Euroopan kiertotaloutta ja biopohjaisia ratkaisuja edistävän CBE-yhteisyrityksen rahoitusmahdollisuudet haussa 24.4.-18.9.2024

Uutinen - Julkaistu 15.3.2024
CBE JU has published its Annual Work Programme for 2024, including information about the next call for project proposals. €213 million will be dedicated to advancing competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe across 18 topics.
Topics for submission of project proposals:
- Bio-based value chains for valorisation of sustainable oil crops – €20 million
- Bio-based dedicated platform chemicals via cost-effective, sustainable and resource-efficient conversion of biomass – €20 million
- Bio-based value chains for valorisation of sustainable natural fibre feedstock – €20 million
- Bio-based materials and products for biodegradable in soil applications – €15 million
- Sustainable microalgae as feedstock for innovative, added-value applications – €15 million
- Enlarging the portfolio of commercially produced “Safe and Sustainable by design” (SSbD) solvents – €15 million
- Circular and SSbD bio-based construction & building materials with functional properties – €15 million
- Selective and sustainable (co)-production of lignin-derived aromatics – €15 million
- Innovative bio-based adhesives and binders for circular products meeting market requirements – €15 million
- Innovative conversion of biogenic gaseous carbon into bio-based chemicals, ingredients, materials – €15 million
- Valorisation of polluted/contaminated wood from industrial and post-consumer waste streams – €7 million
- Biotech routes to obtain bio-based chemicals/materials replacing animal-derived ones – €7 million
- Sustainable, bio-based alternatives for crop protection – €10 million
- SSbD bio-based coating materials for applications under demanding and/or extreme conditions – €7 million
- Innovative bio-based food/feed ingredients – €7 million
- New forms of cooperation in agriculture and the forest-based sector – €4 million
- Mobilise inclusive participation in bio-based systems and supporting the CBE JU widening strategy and its action plan – €3 million
- Supporting the CBE JU Deployment Group on Primary Producers – €3 million
Haku avoinna: 24.4.-18.9.2024
Määräraha: 213 miljoonaa euroa
CBE JU Info Day 2024 23,4,2024 (Brussels/online)
CBE JU Annual Work Programme 2024
Euroopan kiertotaloutta ja biopohjaisia ratkaisuja edistävä yhteisyritys (CBE-yhteisyritys)
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